B l o g
This is a page of personal experiences, how-to articles, competition results, general information about penis sleeves and a whole lot more!
Rediscovering Manhuud
Jonny shares is full cycle experience with custom penis sleeves and rediscovery of Manhuud.
Partners Perspective #1
Andi shares her honest experiences with penis sleeves. If you’re thinking of introducing the idea of sleeves to your partner, this is a must read!
My Journey Through Manhuud
Sam shares his very relatable life experiences, the discovery of penis sleeves and how they enrich his love-life.
Competition #1
We ran a poetry competition for our newsletter members! You can see all of the entries here. Sign up to our newsletter for special offers, news and future competitions.
How Penis Sleeves Boost Confidence (One Happy Trans Man’s Perspective)
Brian was one of the first to discover MANHUUD and kindly shares some of his experiences. You may find his beautiful expression particularly lovely if you are a trans man or can relate to phalloplasty.
How to Make the Most of Your Penis Sleeve (6 Easy Tips)
Here are 6 easy tips for how to make the most of your MANHUUD penis sleeve. How to keep it clean, store properly and maximise full pleasure potential! Read on to find out more…
What is a Penis Sleeve? (And Why Use One)
This blog is going to break down the basics of penis sleeve lingo, so you’re clear with what you’re dealing with from the very start. Penis sleeves can improve people’s sex lives and self confidence for so many reasons. Here are just a few of them!