My Journey Through Manhuud

Sam shares his very relatable life experiences, the discovery of penis sleeves and how they enrich his love-life.

Hi, I’m Sam. A bloke now in my 30’s and I have been in a long term relationship for the majority of my adult life (~10 years). This is a short story about my experiences and journey to finding my Manhuud...

I’ll begin by setting the scene.
Things can get a little dull from time to time. Since entering my 30s, hangovers offer ever increasing pain and my career has begun to fully take over my life. The work life balance has become tougher to manage and with young ones roaming around the house, I have much less free time.

This inevitably means certain things in life can suffer in a negative way: be it physical or mental health, not eating right, closeness in a relationship or losing touch with friends and family. I’m the type of person who therefore relies on a lot of my social life and fun to be with my partner.

We live on the outskirts of our local city, so our general day is the commute to work, maybe meet friends for lunch and head home. Looking after our little ones, the dog and probably some time studying the qualifications we are taking. We do always try to make time for ourselves by putting down what we are doing at 9pm, getting the house to bed and spending some quality time together; be it folding laundry, doing the dishes or perhaps heading to bed early.

Sex and compassion are important to both of us and we have a fairly similar drive and openness in this area. When I met my partner she already had three sex toys, consisting of a dildo, bullet vibrator and a bunny. If there was ever a bundle that suggested “single female”, this would be it.

It didn’t take us long to begin using these in our foreplay. One of the things my partner struggled with and admitted quite early on, is that she very much struggles to have an orgasm from just penetration. Obviously like no other man… I was absolutely the man to be able to do that for her… I wished.

Our relationship carried on how I’m sure many do.. Swings and roundabouts of when sex may or may not be on the table; and various reasons for why it may not be. Being a problem solver, I tried introducing various new toys into our sex life.

The first few toys we bought were dildos. Going through various brands and websites we eventually found her new favourites… This was when Reddit came to our rescue. When scrolling through my Reddit feed one evening, we saw a post from r/PenisSleeve in one of the many NSFW subreddits.

This was our gateway into a category we had never actually decided to search through. The world of penis sleeves. We made some pretty shoddy initial purchases, mainly due to lack of understanding about sex toy hygiene or how hard these things can be. But let’s just say we busted our way through 5 or so cheaper sleeves (less than $40 each) made from various materials: TPE, TPR, hybrid materials and supposedly silicone.

Safe to say, TPR fell apart in no time, TPE was hard as hell, hybrid materials were a gimmick and either way too soft or poorly made. Trying to upgrade from these, we made many mistakes with what we thought were premium products, but really weren’t.

We started to explore other options, but a lot of the products had mixed reviews online or were outside of our sizing scope / on the scary side of large. It soon became clear that there was one brand in the UK receiving a lot more attention than other brands in the realistic penis sleeve department… That brand was Manhuud.

After reaching out to Manhuud to confirm a few minor details (girth added when worn and sleeve squishiness etc) we decided to pull the plunge. The pre-sales support absolutely sold us on Manhuud. Our choice was the OG 7. In terms of the length and girth I would end up at - it pretty much aligned with my partner's favourite dildo.

I can definitely still “feel what is going on” unlike many of the cheaper sleeves we tried. It’s not too big that I have to worry about accidentally going too far - talk with your partner about this, especially if you’ve had a dry spell. Warm your sleeve and use lots of lube! Those stories you read on Reddit and wonder if they are true, can be.

Overall, we are absolutely converted from cheaper sleeves to the world of “premium” handmade sleeves. The rules are true, if you buy cheap, you will be buying twice. We have definitely spent more on cheap toys that end up in the bin, than we have kept.

I’ve definitely learnt that firmness, material and girth are the biggest factors to consider for my partner. My advice to anyone looking to get into this space, is to really talk to your partner about their desires, limits and what actually feels good.

It's safe to say, our Manhuud sleeve has become the most used toy in our box. We've also experimented with it in various ways, such as a sleeve on one of our smaller didlos to enhance it, and as hollow dildo for warmup before putting on - this also helps with making sure the sleeve is amply lubed before inverting. My partner thinks the overall feeling from the sleeve is probably the best feeling toy we own.

We have found many unique uses we didn't consider before making the purchase and we will likely find more going forward. The sleeve is holding up well and the quality is second to none for any other products we have bought in this genre. Overall, a positive impact to our sex life and our favourite purchase for some time!



Partners Perspective #1


Competition #1