Partners Perspective #1

Let me take you back six plus years ago when we started our penis sleeve journey. In 2016, my husband and I went to Las Vegas for the weekend. The moment we arrived in Vegas my husband was acting funny. I mean, he was trying really hard to get some brownie points. He was saying all the right things and doing all the right stuff to please me. To my surprise he racked up a lot of points, because that evening I was really turned on. As soon as we returned to the hotel I jumped in the shower to freshen up and my husband joined me. I was all over my husband and I couldn’t resist him any longer. At this moment we decided to head to the bedroom, still soaking wet.

Right as I was about to lay on the bed, my husband whipped out this toy from his suitcase. I thought it was a huge dildo at first. All I remember thinking at this moment was, that will not fit inside of me. Then my husband started to put it over his penis. My mood went from horny to - what the hell is that! At this point, the night was ruined. I asked my husband what it was and he told me it was a penis sleeve.

This was the day I first encountered a penis sleeve. Instead of having sex, we ended up having a conversation about it. I had a lot of questions for him at this point. I remember asking him why he felt he needed to use it? Is that even safe? etc. I really didn’t get any answers from him. I was caught off guard and didn’t know how to respond to the whole situation. We ended up not having sex that weekend and it led to us being upset with each other.

Fast forward two weeks later. My husband prepared dinner for us because he wanted to talk to me about something. I assumed it’d be about the penis sleeve. Right after dinner, he opened up to me about why he purchased the sleeve. He wanted to see me experience a bigger penis and that it was a fantasy of his. There was a long pause where neither of us spoke, we just stared each. He then added that he was insecure about his penis size and that was the real reason why he purchased the sleeve.

I honestly wasn’t sure why he was insecure, because I never gave him any reason to be. I am very satisfied with our sex life and was unsure if a sleeve would solve his insecurities. He asked me if we could just try it and see. I was upset with him at first, but I am glad that we were able to have open communication. I’m all about making my husband happy, so I agreed to try the penis sleeve with him, but that it had to be on my terms. I remember the excitement on his face when I said I’d be willing to try the penis sleeve with him!

A month had gone by with neither of us mentioning anything about the sleeve. Then on our anniversary night, I surprised my husband with the sleeve next to me in bed. His mouth dropped when he saw it laying next to me. This was the very first night we used a penis sleeve and it was horrible! We had no idea what we were doing and it took him 15 minutes to put it on. When he eventually managed to get it on, he tried to shove it in without any lube. So the sleeve was drier than Sahara desert. Additionally, only the tip went in because it was way too big for me. At this point I gave up, told him to take it off and explained that it was uncomfortable.

The next morning my husband was asking if I would like to try it again. I kindly informed him, no, because of the size and the discomfort that I felt. From that moment, my husband became obsessed with finding the right penis sleeve for us. Over the years he has purchased many many penis sleeves from all sorts of different companies and websites. We’ve had fat, long, skinny, short, too soft, too firm, open ended, ribbed, studded and list goes on. Most of the sleeves didn’t fit my husband and when they did fit, they were either uncomfortable or too painful for me. This went on for almost six years with no real success. We wasted lots of money in the process because nothing met our needs. Then I started looking myself because at the end of the day, I was on the receiving end and I was getting tired of it.

A couple of months later, I came across a Reddit post about customizable penis sleeves. I was intrigued and started researching what they were and learned a lot in the process. There are a lot of combinations when it comes to customizing a sleeve. Different firmness and colour options, dual density, triple density etc. It was overwhelming at first, but at least the internal core size for my husband, where his penis would go, would always be the same. At this moment I realized that all I needed to find was the right combination and preference for me. It took us a few trial and error attempts before we found the right firmness, length, and thickness. But we did it!

Finding the right combination is key and communication with your partner is also very important. You first have to understand the needs of you and your partner before purchasing a custom sleeve. It’s important to understand that one size does not fit all. Speak with your partner and speak with the sleeve company.

Fast forward again to today, after trying about 40 different types of penis sleeve, we are still happily married and have been for over 5 years now. My husband’s self-esteem and confidence is so much better today knowing that I still enjoy his manhood; regardless of what penis size we use in the bedroom. Additionally, some positions we enjoy and love can be better achieved with the help of penis sleeves. Finding the right type of penis sleeve has made our sex life more fun and enjoyable. It adds that extra zing that can sometimes be missing in the bedroom. There is never a dull moment, now we have so many sleeves to choose from! It keeps things interesting from one day to another. Penis sleeves have become a much loved part of our sex life and are definitely here to stay!

Love Andi



My Journey Through Manhuud